9 Homegrown Foods That Will Save You the Most Money
By Ron Neal Save money on groceries by cultivating delicious and nutritious foods right in your backyard. With just a bit of planning for your garden, you can avoid the high prices of…
Is Raising Chickens Worth It? Backyard Chicken Cost Breakdown!
With concerns over egg shortages throughout the nation, as well as skyrocketing egg prices, many are taking the leap into backyard chickens. But is raising chickens worth it? Rather than answer that question…
The 5 Best Dog Breeds to Protect Your Livestock
By Kristin Hitchcock People have used dogs to guard livestock for centuries, and there’s a good reason for it – it works. Many dog breeds have been bred for centuries to guard and…
Plan Your Garden For Success
A great garden starts with a great plan! Whether you are brand new to gardening or a seasoned garden pro, you can plan your garden for success! In this article, we will be…
Grow a Balanced Meal: 5 Plants That Are Great Sources of Fat, Protein, Carbs & Vitamins
By Sallie McBrien Want to grow a balanced meal at home? Try growing these five plant sources of fat, protein, carbs and vitamins! Those looking for a unique way to incorporate more nutrition…
Most Profitable Farm Animals to Raise on Your Homestead
New to homesteading? Find out the most profitable farm animals to raise on your homestead! This list includes some of the most common farm animals. We chose to stick with animals we raise…
8 Ways to Beat Inflation on the Homestead
We’ve all noticed prices creeping up for things we frequently purchase, especially in the gasoline and grocery categories. But last week when I went shopping at my small town grocery store, I noticed…
Homestead Planning for 2022
This is shaping up to be a year like no other, hot on the heels of the already crazy years of 2020 and 2021. Now, just a few months into the year, we’ve…
Basic Zone 5 Planting Schedule (Plus When to Start Seeds Indoors in Zone 5)
We start everything from seed here in our zone 5 gardens. This is our zone 5 planting schedule and when to start seeds indoors in zone 5! While many vegetable gardeners go by…
11 Best Grow Lights for Plants (Plus Which Kind to Choose!)
It’s that time of year and many of us (myself included) are gearing up to start seedlings indoors. These are some of the best grow lights for plants, not just for starting seedlings,…