Want to Save Money Buying Plants this Year? How I Got 10 Mint Plants For the Price of 1!
Do you always tend to overspend on plants? I know I do! Today I am going to share one of my tricks to save money in the spring, and how I got 10 spearmint plants for the price of 1 this year!
Most herbs, and even tomatoes, are super easy to propagate from cuttings, and don’t require rooting hormones or anything other than a small jar and some water.
This spring I found a beautiful organic spearmint plant for $3. The same week, I cut off three little side shoots, removed their lower leaves and placed them in a jar of water. The next week, they had developed nice little roots, so I planted them in potting soil and took several more cuttings from the original plant. The next week I did the same thing again.
It only took minutes and in the end I ended up with ten beautiful spearmint plants, or $30 worth, for just $3!
How to propagate plants by cuttings
To take a cutting from a plant, find a healthy side shoot coming off the main plant. For most herbs, I look for a shoot that is 1-1 1/2″ long. Cut off the shoot with sharp scissors right where it joins the main stem.
Remove all but the top few leaves and place your cutting in a jar with a narrow mouth, filling water to the top. I like to use recycled peppermint extract bottles.
I keep my cuttings by the kitchen sink, where I can top off the water as needed and replace the water weekly to keep it fresh. When your cuttings have developed a nice set of roots, they are ready to be planted in soil in a pot or in your garden.
Another trick I use is to take a cutting off a tomato plant in late summer and plant it indoors in a sunny window – fresh tomatoes at Christmas anyone?
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