How to Grow Your Own Food: Master Reference List For 115 Different Foods
Whether you want to be more self sufficient for disasters, or just want some fresh food on your table, this master list will help you learn how to grow your own food!
In this list, you’ll find some of our own articles, as well as helpful how-to’s from a wide variety of other websites! You can learn to grow any type of food for free from this list. If you would prefer to have the information all in one place, be sure to check out our article, 5 Best Homesteading Books for Beginners.
How to Grow Your Own Food: Vegetables
You’ll find a wide variety of vegetables on this list, and hopefully some that your family likes! Potatoes are a great crop to start with that is easy to grow and liked by almost everyone.
How to Save Seeds from Your Garden
Not sure where to start when it comes to growing your food? If you are a beginning gardener, check out this list of 8 easy vegetables to grow.
If you need to grow food fast, you’ll want to pick one of these 16 fast growing vegetables you can harvest in 60 days or less.
And if you want to grow a huge amount of food to fill your pantry for the year, head on over to survival gardening!
How to Grow Your Own Food: Fruit
Although most fruits take a few years to start producing, they are a great choice to grow your own food if your family doesn’t care for vegetables. And if you are limited on space, most fruits can be grown in containers too!
How to Grow Your Own Food: Nuts
Nuts are a valuable source of protein and fat, and make great snacks. Our family grows Hardy Almonds that actually produce nuts here in zone 5a!
How to Grow Your Own Food: Seeds
How to Grow Your Own Food: Sweeteners

When you grow your own food, sweeteners are a really fun treat! Here in Montana we grow honey, maple syrup and stevia.
How to Grow Your Own Food: Eggs
Eggs are a lot of fun to raise on the homestead. Poultry are an easy farm animal to get started with and it’s hard to beat a homegrown egg with its rich orange yolk!
How to Raise Your Own Meat
With the price of meat these days, it can be well worth the trouble to grow your own food when it comes to meat!
How to Raise Your Own Dairy Animals
How to Grow Herbs and Spices
If you’d like to grow your own herbs and spices, be sure to check out our post, 17 Spices You Can Easily Grow at Home.
How to Grow Your Own Food: Grains
While you can grow any type of grain at home, my recommendation for home gardeners without special equipment is to grow corn. This versatile crop is easy to grow and harvest by hand, and doesn’t require special machinery to remove the hull. You can find a wide selection of corn for cornmeal and popping at www.rareseeds.com. Our favorite is Painted Mountain, which grows well even in short season climates and mountainous areas, and makes a wonderful cornmeal.
Depending on where you live, pretty much any type of food can be grown at home. If you were overwhelmed by this list, I’d encourage you to start with some staple foods that your family eats a lot of. Besides a wide variety of vegetables, our family focuses on growing eggs and chicken for meat, lots of potatoes and winter squash, and lots of berries. It has varied with where we live and what our kids like.
Is there something you would like to grow that is not on this list? Let me know in the comments and I’ll try to find a how-to for it!