Chicken Breeds: Dual-Purpose
Chicken Breeds: Dual-Purpose
Dual-purpose chicken breeds are usually great family-friendly birds and tend to be the most cold-hardy. They are used both for egg laying and for meat.
Although they typically require more feed than strictly laying breeds, they have the added benefit of making good meat birds, too. That means that excess male chicks don’t have to be culled, but actually have a use!
This is a work in progress and this list is very much incomplete, but we are adding new breeds every week!
Note: Breeders come up with new colors every year, and many are not recognized by the APA. The colors listed for each breed are often just a few of the many colors available!
Some of the additional breeds we will be adding to this page include the Houdan, New Hampshire, Redcap, Welsummer, and Olive Egger, among others!
You can find more chicken breeds here: Find a Chicken Breed.
New to Chickens?
You’ll find additional resources on these pages:
Backyard Chickens For Beginners
What Do You Need to Get Started With Backyard Chickens?
List of chicken breeds included on this page:
- Ameraucana
- Araucana
- Australorp
- Brahma
- Buckeye
- Chantecler
- Delaware
- Dominique
- Easter Egger
- Faverolle
- Jersey Giant
- Lamona
- Langshan
- Marans
- Orpington
- Plymouth Rock (Barred Rock)
- Rhode Island (Rhode Island Red)
- Sussex
- Turken Naked Neck
- Wyandotte
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