Chicken Breeds: Layers
Chicken Breeds: Layers
These breeds are primarily known for their laying ability and are not commonly used for meat. You will find most of the larger laying breeds on the Dual-Purpose page.
Most laying breeds lay white eggs. They are often, but not always, more flighty and less friendly than the heavier dual-purpose breeds!
This list is incomplete, but we are adding new breeds every week!
Note: Breeders come up with new colors every year, and many are not recognized by the APA. The colors listed for each breed are often just a few of the many colors available!
Some of the additional breeds that will be added to this page soon include the Buttercup, Leghorn, Star, Whiting True Blue and Silverudd’s Blue, among others!
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Check out these informative pages!
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Breeds Included on this page:
- Ancona
- Andalusian (Blue Andalusian)
- Egyptian Fayoumi
- Hamburg
- Lakenvelder
- Minorca
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