Chicken Breeds: Chickens That Lay Brown Eggs
The chicken breeds on this page lay various shades of brown eggs. Combine your favorite breeds from this page, the blue and green layer page and the white layer page for a natural Easter basket!
Most of the breeds in this list are considered dual-purpose, meaning they can be used to lay eggs or for meat. Generally chickens that lay brown eggs also tend to be among the most hardy, and friendly backyard chicken breeds!
This list is a work in progress and very much incomplete, but we are adding new breeds every week!
Note: Breeders come up with new colors every year, and many are not recognized by the APA. The colors listed for each breed are often just a few of the many colors available!
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Chicken Breeds: Chickens That Lay Brown Eggs
Some additional chickens that lay brown eggs and will be on this page include the Cochin, New Hampshire, Welsummer and Star, among others!
You can find more chicken breeds here: Find a Chicken Breed.
New to backyard chickens?
Check out these informative pages!
Backyard Chickens for Beginners. This page gives you the rundown on everything you need to know to get started with chickens. Learn the terminology, make an informed decision about whether to start with chicks or adult chickens, and get a better idea of the time and monetary commitment of keeping chickens.
What Do You Need to Get Started With Backyard Chickens? This page has both Amazon links and a printable checklist with everything you need to get started once you find the perfect chicken breed!
Breeds included on this page:
- Australorp
- Barnevelder
- Brahma
- Buckeye
- Chantecler
- Delaware
- Dominique
- Faverolle
- Jersey Giant
- Langshan
- Marans
- Orpington
- Plymouth Rock (Barred Rock)
- Rhode Island Red
- Russian Orloff
- Sussex
- Turken Naked Neck
- Wyandotte
Once you find a chicken breed (or several!) that looks right for you, we recommend McMurray hatchery for purchasing healthy mail order chicks. We’ve been using McMurray for ten years and have always been happy with the chicks and the service!
Finally, our number 1 resource for new or experienced chicken keepers is Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens. As long time chicken keepers, we still use this reference book all the time.