7 Unique Heirloom Seeds to Grow in 2022
White tomatoes, purple peppers, giant squash! Each year, we pick out some fun, new (to us!), and unique heirloom seeds to grow in our garden. As seed savers, we have a growing seed…
Eating Seasonally on the Homestead: 4 Seasons of Delicious Food
What is it like to eat seasonally? As I write this, it’s 17 degrees here in Montana, with a blanket of snow covering the ground. It’s beautiful, but the lack of sunlight and…
94 Gifts for Gardeners and Homesteaders
Black Friday is coming up, and if you haven’t done your Christmas shopping yet, it’s a good idea to shop early this year given the worsening supply chain crisis. These gifts for gardeners…
6 Ways You Should Prepare for the Supply Chain Crisis
Do we need to prepare for a supply chain crisis? The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization reported in June that since March of 2020, global food prices have increased an incredible 40%. Here…
Homesteading on a Rental Property: How We Grow 65% of Our Food
Homesteading on a rental property can be a real challenge. I know because I have been doing it for more than ten years. Where there is a will, there is a way, and…
- Resources and Book Reviews, Chickens, DIY, Emergency Preparedness, Food Preservation and Storage, Gardening, Herbs, Homestead Recipes, Homesteading, Indoor Gardening, Raising Livestock, Self Sufficient Lifestyle
Back to Basics: #2 Best Homesteading Book Review
I read about 20 books in an average year, and can’t believe I hadn’t found this one before! Back to Basics, A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills, is absolutely packed full of illustrations…
Natural Dewormer Recipe for Goats, Sheep, Horses and Cattle
It’s one thing to use chemical dewormers on an animal that is just used for farm work, fun or show, such as a horse. But when you are using your animals for meat…
Healthy Mexican Chicken Soup Recipe
Our favorite chicken soup recipe is based on ingredients we grow here on our homestead, including our homegrown chickens, roasted tomatoes, peppers, onions, leeks and garlic. We sometimes mix it up with beans,…
Keeping Pigeons on the Homestead: 3 Uses for This Graceful Bird
Have you ever thought about keeping pigeons on the homestead? Anyone who has met a pigeon fancier will tell you how much love and passion they dedicate to these heavenly and biblical birds.…
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Vegetables and Enjoy Them
I get it, getting your kids to eat vegetables can be a real challenge! As a gardener, I want my kids to eat all those veggies I worked so hard to grow, no…