Simple Seed Saving Online Course
Stop being overwhelmed with all the information out there on saving seeds from your garden!
We make it simple!
Many of the heirloom vegetable varieties we use today have been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years. Some have been passed down for thousands!
Sadly, seed saving is becoming a lost art, and our unique varieties are in danger of going extinct!
You probably already know the thrill of growing unique, rare and delicious varieties from all around the world. And saving your own seeds means that once you obtain a rare variety, you can continue to preserve it and grow it year after year!
Since you are already a fan of these wonderful heirloom varieties, you know that trying to locate seeds can be time consuming. And you can expect to be paying top dollar for your favorite rare heirloom seeds when you can find them!
The good news is that by saving your own seeds, you don’t have to waste time and money finding seeds to buy. You’ll be able to keep your own constantly growing collection of fun vegetable varieties with unique characteristics, rich flavors, and even richer histories! We’ll show you how to save seeds from the varieties you already have, and add a few exciting new ones every year.
Seed saving is a great way to save some money in the garden!
The average gardener spends anywhere from $40-$200+ dollars a year on seeds. That means that in just one season, you will have saved enough to pay for this course plus some!
Once we teach you how to save seeds, you can even come up with your own brand new vegetable variety! Saving your own seeds opens up exciting new doors for any gardener!
There are so many great reasons to start saving your own seeds!
Unfortunately, with so much information available, it’s hard to know where to start. Saving seeds can be overwhelming and discouraging when your seed saving efforts don’t quite go as planned.
My mistake! The sweet pepper seeds I saved turned hot, or my pumpkins crossed with my zucchini and created a pumpkizinni (oops!).
I know I was overwhelmed when I first started saving seeds, and I definitely had my share of seed saving oopses!
It took me years of reading, researching, and trial and error to learn how to save seeds properly. But it didn’t have to be that complicated!
Once you understand the basics, seed saving is really simple!
Because of my rocky experience as a beginning seed saver, I decided to create the course I needed 10 years ago. One that simplifies seed saving for beginners, so you can learn everything you need to know to start saving seeds in as little as an afternoon!
This is the course I NEEDED when I started!
The Simple Seed Saving course is presented in a visual, easy to follow format with colorful pictures and slides.
You’ll learn everything you need to know to start saving your own seeds, including:
- How to pick the best plants to save seed from
- What is the difference between F1 and OP vegetables, and why you might not want to save seeds from a hybrid
- GMO’s from a seed saver’s standpoint, and whether or not you should save seed from them
- What are heirloom seeds, and should you save seed from them?
- How many plants you need to grow to save seeds? And what happens if you don’t plant enough
- The difference between saving seed from an annual vs. a biennial
- How plants are pollinated, and why it matters to a seed saver
- What you need to know about cross-pollination
- How to keep two varieties from crossing with each other unintentionally (no more pumpkizinnis and accidental broccolinis!)
- How and when you might want to hand pollinate
- How to process and store your seeds so they’ll last for years
Vegetables covered in detail include:
- Beans
- Peas
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Summer Squash
- Winter Squash
- Cucumbers
- Melons and Watermelons
- Radishes
- Carrots
- Parsnips
- Beets and Swiss Chard
- Onions
- Leeks
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Celery
- Corn
- Sunflowers
Beyond video content…
Bonus #1!
You’ll get detailed reference charts for more than 20 vegetables that are available to download.
Bonus # 3!
At the end of the course you’ll find printable seed packets to store the seeds you save!
What People are Saying…
“I am only an intermediate gardener, at best. I learned a lot from your slides and videos and I can’t wait to put it all to use.”
-Laura Emerich, The Recipe Detective
“I have had a long time interest in organic gardening and last year I decided to plant a serious vegetable and flower garden for the first time. I was quite surprised by the amount of money I managed to spend on seeds at the garden store, so I thought I would be smart and save seeds from my garden (and some from the grocery store too 😛 ) to save some money this year. Everything seemed to be going just fine, until my tomatoes started to ripen and I realized that most of them were really nothing at all like the ones I’d grown last year. The color and flavor were quite different (and disappointing) and I was a little mystified as to why that would be… Well, not anymore! I guess saving seeds is a little more complicated than I thought. I enjoyed Kait’s course because it was informative but also quite concise, which I appreciate because like most people I don’t have unlimited time. I was able to complete the overview part of the course in probably less than an hour and then there is a lengthy list of lessons that go over how to save seeds from specific plants, which I will be enjoy being able to use as a reference as the need arises. When it comes time to save seeds this season I will be making much more informed choices! Thanks Kait.”
Here is what you get:
- An online course that simplifies and condenses everything you need to know to start saving seeds! You’ll be successfully saving seeds in as little as an afternoon!
- Downloadable reference charts for more than 20 garden vegetables! It answers all your questions before you ask!
- Printable seed packets to store your seeds let you customize your seed packets to make them unique!
Remember, The average gardener spends anywhere from $40-$200+ dollars a year on seeds!
That means that in just one season, your savings will have more than paid for this course!
You can find out more about Simple Seed Saving, or enroll in the class right here!
Frequently Asked Questions