3 DIY Garden Plant Markers That Are Cheap or Free
If you grow a large garden, garden plant markers can get expensive! These 3 DIY garden plant markers are what I use to cheaply label hundreds of heirloom varieties in my garden.
The first kind of label is free but requires a small amount of time to make. The second is really cheap and doesn’t require any labor. The third plant marker I use for outdoor planting, as the writing stays on it the best.
DIY Garden Plant Marker #1
This option is completely free, made from recycled yogurt and sour cream containers. These work great for labeling seedlings, but eventually the writing will wear off outdoors.
I used these to label hundreds of tomato and pepper starts last year. I left the markers with the plants when I transplanted them to the garden, and some of the labels did last the entire summer, but others wore off within a month or so of going outdoors.
How to Make Labels Out of Recycled Sour Cream Containers
These DIY garden plant markers are really easy and quick to make!
Simply cut the sides of a clean sour cream or yogurt carton into ¾” strips. I use a fine point Sharpie permanent marker to write on these.
I’ve found that the cheaper dollar store permanent markers don’t work as well for labels.
Note: you can also use recycled blinds for this option, but they are a little harder to come by.
DIY Garden Plant Marker #2
My second type of plant marker is popsicle sticks. Although this option does cost a few dollars, it doesn’t take any work on your part. I use these when I am in a hurry!
I only use popsicle sticks for labeling seedlings indoors, since the writing will quickly wash off when they are moved outside in the weather.
Regular and fine Sharpies tend to bleed on popsicle sticks, making them hard to read. I’ve found that Ultra Fine Sharpie works well, as does a plain old pen or pencil.
You can get popsicle sticks from Amazon, or pick some up in the craft section at the dollar store.
DIY Garden Plant Marker #3
The third type of garden plant marker I use is plain old plastic spoons. These are my favorite option for labeling plants out in the garden.
Spoons work so well for outdoor plants because the shape keeps the permanent marker from washing off. I write inside the spoon part with a fine Sharpie. These labels last all summer outdoors in my climate, and I’ve even found some that were left out in the garden all winter that are still legible!
Spoons can also be used for labeling plant starts, but I’ve found that they tend to fall over since they are taller and top heavy compared to the recycled plastic or popsicle tags. I prefer to save the spoons for outdoor use, where they really shine!
I’ve found the best price for plastic spoons at my local grocery store, but you can also get them at the dollar store or from Amazon.
Want more DIY garden plant markers ideas? Check out this list of 20!
What kind of plant labels have you found for cheap or free? Share in the comments!